Wednesday, January 28, 2009

HAWA Top5 Unit Trust TGS (AM) in the whole Malaysia!!

EGYPT 2008 139

Grreat Income and TGS come from Grreat commitment to see RETAIL Hi networth client!!

Congrats To HAWA.. She is ranked top5 Agency Manager Total Group Sale(Unit Trust sale) as at JAN 2009!! Great start this new year!!!

Keep up the momentum and aim for awards! Excites your team to submit Unit Trust Epf 526k or Cash for Hokkaido!

Great news! Dali2(cash inv only) is giving out 7 sen dividend on 9th February!! We need to help more customers to save more money for their retirement by BUYING UNIT TRUST and ELI8 now :) its very2 cheap and opportunity for clients To make more money!!

Let's help our clients to buy more now! They need us to educate and share the value of investing and saving now :)

Care for your success,



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