Thursday, February 19, 2009

Saturday training 10am on How to Sell by Storytelling to your clients

Hi guys, this saturday I will conduct a training called "Conceptual and Story telling Selling for Unit Trust and insurance". Only for Saturday, i will share not 1, not 5, not 10 but 60 stories on how to sell unit trust and insurance.

Just for insurance i will share close to 49 ways to sell insurance. All of this stories all i learned from a top GAM in insurance industry with more than 20yrs experience. If u want to learn.. Come at 10am sharp. This will be a 3hr training so please come early.. If attendees are not at least 40ppl i might not share all the concepts.

Scripts will provided for those who come for training.. first come first serve basis..

BOP starts at 2.30.. come early and so that your guest gets the best benefit. Lets excite the agency with new blood.. If theres no new blood running in our body we will die!!!! Lets recruitX2.. Email "yes" if youre committed.


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