Thursday, May 14, 2009

Amazing PWA Orientation: 7+1 Secrets to Consistent Sales and Income!

This is the fundamental training program for all new consultants of Platinum Wealth Advisors, where the Millionaire Sisters and Tycoons with Apprentices share the

7+1 Secrets to Consistent Sales and Income!

It is a focused seminar to ensure that all new consultants get their results in the fastest time! We believe that anyone and everyone can be successful in this business … if they have the essential knowledge to achieve the extraordinary result!

IMG00002-20090501-1027 MS Elynn and some of the new consultants that came from Johor to be with us!

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Let’s get to know each other better …

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“Yes! Remind ourselves everyday of the 7+1 Secret” the Tycoons shared …

DSCN1400Which awards are you going for this year? Visualize your face in the winners list!

MS Akmar sharing the daily success habits of a wealth advisor

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Our consultants from Kelantan are going for their goals!

Platinum Wealth Advisors Work With Passion!


MS Akmar and MS Elynn says ‘Learn and apply the 7+1 Secrets to Consistent Sales and Income so you too can achieve your dreams!’


Azwan said...

Thanks for the update jayen

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