Monday, January 25, 2010

Goal Setting 2010

Last Saturday we had an amazing Goal Setting session for 2010 by our MDRT GAM's MS Akmar, MS Elynn and Mahadi BZ.

All of us had to bring the following for the goal setting training which are:
1) Vision Board - a thick board or card board
2) Your Commission Insurance statement and Unit trust Commission statement (any month 2009)
3) Scissors
4) Glue or thumbtack
5) Lots and lots of magazines
6) Your dream car, dream house pictures
5) Any pictures of your goals that u would like to achieve in 2010
6) Marker/magic pen

MahadiBZ our master trainer for the day trained us on how to transform your mind to an amazing Millionaire Mindset to attract MORE SALES!
MS Akmar shared about the amazing of VISUALIZATION & AFFIRMATION!
MS Elynn talked about your journey to success in 2010!

Everyone was so excited and felt so lucky to be in CWA's first Million Ringgit Agency (Insurance) in our first year with our new partner AIA and the only agency two have 3 GAM's with the title MDRT, one of the most prestigious title awarded to Top Financial Planner's in the world.

Here are some feedback from the participants after the goal setting:

5 things that I learned from the training :
1. Everything is controlled by our mind.
2. Must have a clear target.
3. Be teachable to our leader/Gam.
4. Everything is possible,if we think it is.
5. Must think BIG.

Mahathir BZ
1. Believe in yourself
2. Visualize
3. Come out frm confort zone
4. Mdrt before oct
5. Really X15 want to be millionaire
6. 50-50 for ut n ins for mdrt

Siti Fairuz
1.Have bigger mind-not like a senduk-but like kawah
2.Believe in urself-believe the energy in u...skywalker said"I don't believe it" yoda replied "that's y u failed"
3.Teachable to the upline
4.Don't try just do it
5.Open ur eyes..opportunity n money is everywhere
6.Have a bigger mind and get bigger sale n become TOT
7.Be creative,think about strategy
8.Don't just focus on big sale..close all type n masuk in the kawah n gaul sehingga sebati (qualify)

Thks and appreciation fr this 3 SUPER DUPER GAM who contributed their achivement to become MDRT in first year of our biznes in 2009.

It is an excellent programme today where there shared to us about what makes them to be called an MDRT member..

Things I ve learn today really really really really really vibrate me to become an MDRT 5050 in 2010..:-

1. Belief in our mind..that s the starting point in order for us to become part of them
2. Obey your Leader...the GAM AM and respect the others in order for us to become success
3. Look for Big Sales + the retail we have currently
4. A Brand New Road Map created for us to become an MDRT 2010
5. Recruitments makes us earn up to 4 times salary in January it self and other rewards are so exicitings..

1.  Believe in yourself or you will fail
2. Anything is impossible, don't try, just do it
3. Feel the rite energy, positive energy around u
4. Must grab the opportunity around u or someone else will
5.  Visualize ur future and u will achieve it

1. Change ur mindset, have a big mind to attract a big sales.
2. There's no try in this business, do or do not.
3. Have a clear target (quarter target, monthly target, weekly target and daily target), focus and believe that we can achieve all the target.
4. Be teachable to ur upline
5. Have a strong believe in all that we want in life.

1. Believe in myself can achieve 2010 goals
2. Set my mind to be as gigantic as the universe
3.Plan and act on daily sales activity
4. Massive recruitment to sustain my income
5. Unlearn what i've learned and there is no try just do it!

In summary everyone is excited about 2010 and in achieving MDRT in 2010!!


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