Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Vibrating news

Another vibrating news!!!!

Our NEW Agent/wealth advisor VERY Teachable and committed. AZMAN (his upline is FYP champion Haizul) collected 10k FYP EIP Plan !!!!

2) Azman is very very teachable and committed attending all MillionaireSisters group meeting and COPY the exact SCRIPT to be Master closer and achiever in FYP

3) Come to MS Group meeting 4pm wednesday (tomorrow)and Skill Training by Committed c7 Jayen, great leader in MSisters team !!!

4) Get all team to come 4pm to learn how to close EIP! If u are NEW, U also can Close big FYP and qualify NYork !!!!

5) BOP at usual 8pm. Get all your team to bring new downlines and share this great business opportunity to your friends !!

Email YESSS I am teachable and committed 4pm I want to know the script !!

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